Sarah de Orlando Coaching

I love what I do

I am in the business of transforming lives by bringing hope and encouragement to women. 

We all have dreams and desires, some that seem impossible, or were but only a childhood wish. But I believe God placed those in your heart on purpose! I want to help draw those out and create a simple, actionable plan to walk out our dreams.

You can transform your life with simple choices that build momentum and give you hope and courage to take the next step.

As your coach, I encourage you to stand up to fear and move forward despite the unknown, doubts, and nay-sayers. We reframe your past in a positive light by realizing that many of the challenging times have taught us, refined, and grown us into the women we are today.

So wherever you are right now, friend, I’ll be here to cheer you on as you take your next right step. Let’s talk today with a connect call.

My Story

Hi! I’m Sarah! I’m the Chief-Hope-Giver of Sarah de Orlando Coaching. I’ve also written a book, Love Letters from Poland, and speak to share hope and encouragement with women. 

For too long, I was trapped with limiting beliefs about who I could be and where I could go. Depression and shame kept me trapped. 

I wanted to stay on the safe path and to suppress the pain and shame of the past and be good enough to earn grace from my biggest mistakes. Exhausted was my constant state as I strived and juggled being a wife, mother, engineer, daughter, and friend. My heart yearned for more. But what was more than all those things? How could I add one more thing to do to my life? 

Let go. I had to let go of what I thought I “should” do and let go of the fears keeping me stuck and small. 

I realized the dreams planted in me since childhood were designed by God to bring me joy, benefit others, and glorify him. 

You may not have a past like mine, but I know we all have hard stories. We’ve been stretched, disappointed, rejected. I want to help you draw out the good from those things and realize your purpose and passions. 

My heart is to infuse hope into women’s lives so that they know the truth: they are precious, unique, called, equipped, and especially seen and loved. I empower women to run after God’s beautiful plan for their lives and free them to be fully themselves. 

Read more in my debut memoir.

How coaching works

I coach a small number of women one-on-one and in small group sessions on Zoom to recognize where you are and where you need to go to live out your purposeful life. 

As Zig Ziglar says, “If you aim at nothing, you hit it every time.” 

We need goals and a plan to get us from where we are now to where and who we want to become. 

You’ll find new balance in all major aspects of your life using a powerful assessment including: 

  • Mental
  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Family/Relationships
  • Financial
  • Personal
  • Career/Calling

I will help keep you accountable for the daily and weekly goals you’ve set, and also encourage you by sharing where I am in my life journey.  

Can you feel the hope rising?  Do you believe transformation is possible? I do, and I can see it in you! Now let’s get together and see your beautiful journey unfold.

Join my community and receive the first three chapters of Love Letters from Poland today