Sarah de Orlando Coaching

I want to help you choose to win, friend! 

April 2016 – the same month I realized I could choose to speak life to myself. Immediately, I stopped playing the old, self-critical record; I realized I could choose to win at life. Does this sound similar to your current circumstances? Do you feel stuck in your own thoughts and are ready to change? 

Alone in a foreign land (Poland) on an 8-month assignment, I was terribly lonely and scared. Did they know I wasn’t smart enough? I was away from everyone I knew, the comforts of home, and felt overwhelmed to literally get to know everyone around me. As an introvert, I was exhausted! The weather was cold and wet, everything was grey, grey, grey. But then…

I found biblical self-talk cards from Zig Ziglar and said them in the mirror every day, morning, and night. At first, it seemed weird, even embarrassing. Was I really “intelligent, disciplined, compassionate, fun-loving” and the like? I had tons of doubt, but I maintained the habit. Slowly, but surely my attitude began to change! It unleashed a new sense of power in me! I was full of passion and hope as I began to see I was created on purpose for a purpose! And oh, sweet friend, that was just the start of a wonderful journey.

For example, the book Choose to Win by Tom Ziglar says it this way, “Attitude is a reflection of character; character is a reflection of habit.”

Are you ready?

Eventually, my good habit of speaking life to myself eventually shifted my attitude and mindset. Let me help you have your own breakthrough, friend. Are you ready to say “I’m done with the old me! I am moving forward, onward, and upward!”? Let’s help you choose the right habits that lead to transformation in your life. I am here to help you do just that. Reach out and let’s talk.

Let’s Talk

In short, I want to help you, friend! Don’t talk yourself out of it. Just message me. It is my heart to serve you and brings me so much joy.

Let’s choose to win! I am for you

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