Sarah de Orlando Coaching

Embracing Restoration

Restoration is a powerful hope that resonates deeply within our souls. It speaks of healing, renewal, and the transformative work of God in our lives. In a world that often leaves us feeling depleted and disconnected, restoration offers us a pathway to wholeness and well-being. 

The Longing for Rest

“Reality hits home: rest seems impossible”

In a world that constantly bombards us with noise and distractions, the longing for rest becomes increasingly apparent. Just like Thomas Edison sought solace in his morning fishing trips, we, too yearn for moments of uninterrupted white space amidst the chaos of life. The demands of family, work, and technology can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, as we juggle countless responsibilities and try to keep up with the pace of modern life. But deep within our souls, we know there must be a way to find true rest and restoration.

An Invitation to Let Go

“I can’t do it all! You’re not meant to, my soul whispered.”

Amidst our struggles and the weight of expectations, Jesus extends a gentle invitation to let go and find rest. He lovingly asks, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”  (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG). In these words, we find a promise of relief and a call to release the burdens we carry. It’s a reminder that we were never meant to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. In surrendering our desire to do it all, we open ourselves up to the possibility of true rest and restoration.

Discovering the Unforced Rhythms of Grace

“An Invitation to rest”

Restoration is not simply about taking a break from busyness; it’s about entering into a rhythm of rest that aligns with God’s grace and Truth. Jesus invites us to walk with Him, work with him, and learn from him. He shows us the unforced rhythms of grace, where we find sustenance and freedom. It’s in this place of companionship with Him that we discover how to live freely and lightly, unburdened by the heavy expectations and pressures that weigh us down.

Reflecting on the Journey of Restoration

“Reflection: Where are you? How is your heart?”

As we embark on the journey of restoration, it’s important to take moments of reflection along the way. Where are you right now? How is your heart? These questions invite us to pause, to assess our current state, and to honestly acknowledge the areas in our lives that need healing and restoration. By identifying what needs to be let go of, we open ourselves up to receive God’s transformative work in our lives.

Embracing the Invitation to Rest

“What do you need to let go of? When was the last time you rested? How can you make it happen again this week?”

Restoration requires intentional action. It calls us to let go of what weighs us down, to make space for rest, and to prioritize our well-being. God invites us to partner with him while he does deep restorative work in our hearts. Take a moment to reflect on what you need to let go of, whether it be external distractions, self-imposed expectations, or the need to constantly be available to others. Consider when was the last time you truly rested and how you can make it happen again this week. Perhaps it’s through setting boundaries with technology, creating time for self-care, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation.

Embrace Restoration at Rest Restore Revive

“Inspiration awaits: Join us at Rest Restore Revive”

As you embrace the invitation to rest and embark on the journey of restoration, we invite you to join us at Rest Restore Revive, an upcoming event dedicated to fostering emotional and spiritual well-being across the beautiful community of women. This gathering is an opportunity to dive deeper into the transformative power of God’s healing and restoration. You’ll have the chance to hear inspiring stories of overcoming challenges, discover the importance of rest, and revive your hopes and dreams.

Visit to learn more about Rest Restore Revive and join the waitlist for ticket sales starting in August. We can’t wait to welcome you and journey together towards a life of true rest and restoration.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Where are you in your journey of restoration? Do you feel a longing for healing and renewal in your life?

  2. How does the idea of rest resonate with you? Do you find it challenging to carve out moments of rest in your busy schedule?

  3. What expectations or pressures do you need to let go of in order to experience true rest and embrace the unforced rhythms of grace?

  4. When was the last time you truly rested? How can you prioritize rest and create moments of rejuvenation in your life this week?

Take some time to reflect on these questions and allow them to guide you in your pursuit of rest and restoration. Remember, God invites us to find rest in His love and to experience the transformative power of His healing

REST RESTORE REVIVE 2023 – Hey there! Join the waitlist now for Rest Restore Revive 2023. Be the first to know when ticket sales open in August and secure your spot for this unforgettable event.