Sarah de Orlando Coaching

Why We Need Community

We were created for relationship with one another; we need community. If we’ve learned anything from the past 12+ months of isolation, we need people in our corner cheering for us and encouraging us to live out the full life God has for us. We need community for laughter, to share highs and lows, and to feel seen and loved, and ultimately to become our truest, beautiful selves. 

Two are better than one, for if either of them falls, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Do you believe you need to do it alone to prove yourself? Does it feel like you’re failing if you ask for help? Or you’re looking for a community, but not sure where to start? Regardless of your reason, isolation can be crippling to our creativity, courage, and growth. Who do you want to celebrate with? Who can you share your struggles, fears, and big dreams with? 

In Poland, I fell in love with my community of friends. The vibrancy of life took another dimension as I overflowed with love for them, joy, and also received love and acceptance as I chose to bring my quirky self to the table and be present.

Catch a glimpse with the excerpt from my book, Love Letters from Poland

Wait, can you hold on a sec, I need to post this on Insta… never came out of my mouth in Poland, and from May to July I fasted from all social media. I didn’t have a cell phone connected to a network, meaning I had to live at the mercy of Wi-Fi. My work phone was one of those burner types spies use with basic capabilities for calls and texts, except mine was neon red. Life in the wild without a smartphone turned out to be one of the biggest blessings for building community.

When I was out of my house, I couldn’t be buried in my phone—my apps didn’t work, it was futile! Instead, I looked friends in the eye and got lost in laughter and good conversations over milkshakes, burgers “bez bułki” (without a bun), and onion rings. I hiked trails through pine trees to desolate dunes, pristine beaches, and strolled through the city. Simple wonders delighted me like songbirds, expressions of strangers waiting for buses, and noticed how people decorated their windows. I was present and enjoyed the presence of others. My soul was satisfied. I still crave to create that deep level of connection for the rest of my life. 

Don’t you long for something like that, friend? 

Three reasons why we need community: 

Community helps us become the people God created us to be. Whether in all of life or specifically as you’re starting your dream job on the side, there are three awesome reasons to get plugged into a supportive community to grow and thrive:

We need community to help get a fresh perspective.  

Do you bounce ideas off of someone or are they always stuck in your head? Do you have a truth-teller in your life to uncover beliefs that keep you living small and discouraged? One of the biggest battles we face is our mindset. If you can’t first imagine it, you’re unlikely to act on your desires.  An honest friend or coach offers a different mindset and can ask questions you haven’t thought about to shift your perspective. 

Consistently showing up in your community and sharing your beliefs and challenges will have a tremendous impact on how you think about yourself, your circumstances, and your future. The quote from Henry Ford rings true, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” We need others to help us break down our lies and fears in a safe, and supportive community. As we start to believe we can tackle challenges and give ourselves permission to dream, we will begin to have a more positive, hopeful outlook on life. A positive outlook will give us the courage to try new things, face fears head-on, and take brave steps toward our beautiful, God-given dreams. 

We need community to help us stay motivated and take action.

Where do you like to go for inspiration and motivation? Do you do it consistently? As silly as it seems, it needs to be a daily habit like brushing your teeth. One motivational video or podcast isn’t enough to sustain us when we face daily challenges and obstacles. When I was studying in grad school for my engineering degree, we had some tough professors with high expectations. But after class, a few of us had power study sessions to brainstorm, problem-solve, and encourage each other as we worked on our assignment. I thrived from their enthusiasm and shared my own, and we propelled each other to continue to pursue success. 

Access to information and training is limitless these days. But are you using and applying the tools and resources you’ve gathered? I know I’ve signed up for several free challenges and tools and say, “I should do that, it’ll help me with X obstacle.” But they stay unopened in my inbox. Since I didn’t tell anyone, it’s easy to say, “I’ll start tomorrow…” But then I continue to break promises with myself. It’s exhausting and discouraging! Can you relate? Without a community I feel connected in, it is easy to shirk off accountability, hide, and believe I cannot add value to the group, so why even start? 

Conversely, in a supportive, structured community we find motivation from others and want to commit to our next step, then act on it. It’s not about people-pleasing, but setting deadlines and admitting you want to make progress aloud to others. When you share your desires with someone else, they get a whole new dimension and they feel more real. And when you feel seen in a community, you are encouraged to show up, share the struggles, and take action instead of getting stuck in information overload and confusion. 

We need community to help us live a fuller, more satisfying life.

God designed us to be together – as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, we’re better together. When we have a discouraging week or experience setbacks, our community provides comfort, encouragement, and reminds us of our identities. Life is best lived when we can walk it together – through the valleys and mountains. I know my heart longs to be seen and loved. A community that welcomes you, as you are and all your unique talents and dreams, is a place for you to thrive and get the courage to believe what others see in you. 

Friendships develop in community and enrich our lives as we support and serve others. Zig Ziglar has a famous quote, “You can have everything in life you want, as long as you help other people get what they want.” By choosing to be fully engaged in a community and share your gifts, talents, and perspective, the whole community benefits. You also have greater satisfaction, an improved sense of purpose, joy, and love just to name a few. 

Find your community

Are you ready for support and encouragement like this for you to become all God created you to be? Message me here. I’d love to invite you into my community and help you feel seen, validated, and build the courage to do brave things God has placed on your heart!

Women Entrepreneurs (WE) Mentoring is my favorite group mentoring program with a tight-knit community of 5-8 women. If you’re a woman with God-sized dreams, I’d love to hear about them! You will have support, encouragement, accountability and a plan to help you bravely pursue big dreams! Message me or send me a DM on Instagram today to learn more about joining. 

Looking for more tailored, accelerated growth on your God-sized dreams? One-on-one coaching would be a great place for you and you also get complimentary access to WE Mentoring. Reach out today and see how we can craft your path forward. 

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