Sarah de Orlando Coaching

An Invitation to Rest

Wizzz! – out when Dad’s line before deftly landing near the pond’s alcove of pines. I sat straight like a rod in the middle of the canoe. The red-white bobber indicated no takers. “Dad, nothing is happening!” “Shhh, Bean. We have to be patient.”

Until I became a mother, did I realize why my father loved to take me fishing. Silence. Sure, he enjoyed the sport and pan-fried rainbow trout. But I’m on to his method that went something like, “Hey kids, let’s pile into a boat and see who can be the quietest as we wait out the morning for a bite.” (And leave your mom at home to rest.)

Reality hits home: rest seems impossible

I once heard Thomas Edison liked to fish every morning. He never caught a thing because he didn’t use bait; fish and people left him alone for an hour to think. I, too, crave white space to think uninterrupted from “Mami, I want a snack,” construction noise, phone notifications, social media feeds, and more. And those things are just external distractions. Forget about the mental to-do list, the reel of shame on repeat in my mind, and discouragement. I’m not beyond daily struggles, friend.

Maybe it’s the season I’m in with a curious, bright toddler that has me daydreaming of silent retreats. But I also think it’s driven by much deeper movements of culture. Feeling the pressure to always be on, reply to Facebook, Instagram, Marco Polo, emails, texts, and more. That doesn’t even touch the lovely Christmas and New Year’s notes we received, and I haven’t acknowledged. We might be on the “doesn’t get a card” list next year, I fear. Just pile on more pressure that I feel the need to respond to everyone with my undivided attention thoughtfully.

If only I could get on top of it all, then I would feel peaceful and able to rest.

I can’t do it all!

You’re not meant to, my soul whispered. 

Ok, when Bug is back at school, and our quarantine is over, then I can get back to everyone. But really, do I want to?

What has to break?

Am I heaping more expectations on myself than others even want? Well, besides my Bug, who does her best to tell me exactly what she wants, I think I need to let a lot slide.

What if I turn off my phone for a day? Ok, maybe for an hour and just watch some birds or the way the wind moves the tree branches outside my window? Or how about I start … So many ideas. I’m life-coaching myself, ah! Even when I want to rest my brain turns to work.

Jesus – what do you expect of me? I’m exhausted. This doesn’t feel right. I’m letting so many people down.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG)

An Invitation to rest

“Is a rhythm of rest will give me what my soul craves?”

“Yes, sweet Sarah. Let my way, my truth, and my life (John 14:6) become yours, and be ready to be released to live lightly and freely in my love.”

Read Jesus’ words again in the passage above.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

“You will still let people down, and others will disappoint you, but get away with me, and you’ll find what’s best. Let me sustain you. I know what you long for, and I am always here inviting you back to rest in my love. You are only human, your burdens pile up after a moment of taking your eyes off me. But it’ll get easier the more you rest with me,” Jesus encouraged my soul. 

“Now come on, let’s go fishing.”


Where are you? How is your heart?

What do you need to let go of? 

When was the last time you rested? How can you make it happen again this week?

Dive Deeper:

Rest Restore Revive Online Experience

Learn more about Papa God’s love for you, and hope to restore all the broken pieces of your story in my memoir, Love Letters from Poland.

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